Login, Signup, and Reset Password

To use certain features of the portal, a visitor must register a username and login.

On any page of the portal on a desktop device, an unauthenticated user will see a Log in / Sign up button in the upper right hand corner.

Login / Sign Up



Log In

Clicking the Log in / Sign up button gives the user the option to use the Log in tab to use an existing username and password to log into the portal.


The user also has the option to Sign in with their existing Apple ID.

After log in, the portal will display to the user that the log in was successful and display the username which is signed in.
If the user has previously signed into the portal, the user will also see the date and time of their most recent login.

Reset Password

On the Log in tab, a “Forgot Password” link will allow the user to send a password reset link to an email address. 
A new tab titled “Forgot Password” will display, where the user can enter their email address or username, then click the “Request new password” button.
If the email address provided is in the portal database, an email with a link to create a new password will be sent.
If the user does not receive an email in their inbox, be sure to check the SPAM folder. If the password reset email is found in the SPAM folder, it’s recommended to mark it as “NOT SPAM”.

Sign Up

Clicking Sign up tab gives the user the ability to create a new username and password.


The password rules are: it needs at least 8 characters, a number, a symbol, an uppercase, and a lowercase letter.
The acceptable characters are /[!@#$%^&*()-_=+{};:,<.>]/